Federal Laws and Statutes Information
Public Notice of Nondiscrimination
The School District of New Richmond does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals with disabilities, employment or in any aspect of their operations. Information about Nondiscrimination can be found at the following websites:
Wisconsin DPI
School District Policy
2023 Five-Year Self Evaluation of the Status of Nondiscrimination and Equality of Educational Opportunity (Approved by the School Board of 5/20/24)
Federal Laws pertaining to Students with Disabilities
IDEA- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
This federal law mandates federal, state and local school district responsibilities for the education of all children with disabilities. This law outlines how children are located, referred, evaluated and provided appropriate educational programs. This law provides for the identification of children with various disabilities. A major provision under this law is FAPE, a Free Appropriate Public Education. Children identified under this law are entitled to receive education in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). This law outlines the importance of parents in any process leading to special education.
Complete IDEA Regulations
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
This federal law applies to all institutions receiving federal funds and assures that all individuals with disabilities will have access to programs which receive these funds. Section 504 is a federal anti-discrimination statute. It prohibits disability discrimination in any program or activity that receives federal funds. Section 504 is not as specific as IDEA and applies to conditions that have a substantial impact on a major life activity. The School District has a process to refer, evaluate and provide necessary accommodations to students meeting the eligibility requirement.
Section 504 applies to individuals who:
- have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities as compared to the average student
- have a record of such an impairment
- are regarded as having such an impairment
Comparison of IDEA and Section 504
IDEA is an education act that provides federal guidance and funding for special education. A student is eligible to receive special education and/or related services if the IEP team determines that the student has a disability under one or more of the thirteen qualifying categories requiring special education services. IDEA provides for an Individual Education Program (IEP). The IEP provides for an appropriate education that is designed to provide educational benefit. Students qualifying for services under IDEA need specially designed instruction.
Section 504 (The Rehabilitation Act of 1973)
Section 504 is a civil right law which protects the rights of individuals with disabilities in program and activities in order for them to receive equal access. Section 504 requires a written accommodation plan when the student qualifies under the guidelines of this law. The plan provides for accommodations for the students in programs and activities.
FERPA- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
This is a federal law that assures for the confidentiality of all student information and records, and parent rights to access these records. This law applies to all students and has strict requirements regarding access to and the use of personally identifiable information about the student.